In Clause 2, Article 1 of Decree 169/2018 / ND-CP amending Decree 36/2016 / ND-CP on management of medical equipment, there are 6 principles on management of medical equipment as follows:
1. Ensuring quality, safety and effective use of medical equipment.
2. Complete, accurate and timely information on technical characteristics and utility of medical equipment and risk factors that may occur to users.
3. Ensuring traceability of medical equipment.
4. Management of medical equipment must be based on the classification of risks and national standards, corresponding national technical regulations promulgated, recognized or by competent state management agencies. announced organizations and individuals shall comply with the provisions of law.
5. Medical equipment being measuring devices and radiation equipment must be managed in accordance with the law on measurement, the law on atomic energy and the provisions of this Decree.
Chemicals and preparations with only one purpose are to disinfect medical equipment managed under this Decree. Chemicals and preparations with the purpose of disinfecting medical equipment but in addition to other uses are managed in accordance with the law on insecticidal and germicidal chemicals and preparations used in the field. Household and medical.
6. Trading in medical equipment and raw materials for production of medical equipment containing narcotics and pre-substances in addition to meeting the provisions of this Decree must comply with the provisions of law on Drug Prevention.
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